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Let me introduce UST's delicious snack event

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Let me introduce UST's delicious snack event (fish cake/hoppang day).

<2023.11.24 Fish cake day event photo>

It's a special fish cake that you're ready to work early November 24th
Let's enjoy the dance with employees who come to work with employees
The representative was conducted by direct planning/ ingredients/ ingredients.
Thanks to one warm fish cake soup, I could start a day with hot fish cake soup.

<Photograph for the hoppang Day event on November 29, 2023>

I bought sweet red bean/vegetable/pizza bread so that each employee can choose and eat it according to their taste
If you eat one hoppang while chatting with your colleagues
Before you know it, the hoppang is sold out, and UST's hoppang machine is working hard without a break!
It's a pleasant day to see the laughter of UST employees who are happy with just one warm hoppang.
I've introduced UST's delicious snack event (fish cake/hoppang day).

Thank you.

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